On Wednesday, Republicans in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives urged Gov. Josh Shapiro to not appeal a recent Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court decision that found the state’s enrollment in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) unconstitutional.
Citing lost jobs and lost economic opportunities, as well as inflated energy prices, the House members, including state Reps. Eric Nelson (R-Westmoreland), Josh Kail (R-Beaver/Washington), Martin Causer (R-Cameron/McKean/Potter), James Struzzi (R-Indiana), and Eric Davanzo (R-Westmoreland), the group said Shapiro should accept the court’s ruling and leave RGGI behind.
“Pennsylvania’s workers have lost hundreds of thousands of man hours and more than $7 billion in private investment since Gov. Wolf’s executive order on RGGI. Pennsylvania is bleeding economic growth and energy production to nearby states, while our families and business pay more to turn on their lights.” Nelson, Republican chairman of the House Gas and Oil Caucus, said. “We need to leave the RGGI discussion behind us and go back to work on policies that grow our economy, increase jobs and benefit Pennsylvania families.”
Earlier this month, the Court voided the state’s entrance into the multi-state energy tax program first pursed by former Gov. Tom Wolf, who bypassed the General Assembly and enrolled the state into RGGI by executive order. The court ruled Wolf’s order overstepped his executive power.
“Make no mistake – RGGI is a Green New Deal energy tax which will kill jobs, threaten our energy independence and damage our economy,” Kail, House Republican Policy Committee Chairman, said. “We have an abundance of energy right here in our own backyard and must use this great resource to our advantage and give families access to affordable energy.”
The Republicans’ move was supported by some labor groups.
“We respectfully ask the governor to honor the court decision and allow the energy generation market in Pennsylvania to stabilize and encourage more investment from our energy partners,” Michael Ford, secretary/treasurer of the Pennsylvania Building and Construction Trades Council said. “The trades look forward to working with both chambers and the executive branch to chart an energy policy for our Commonwealth that retains Pennsylvania’s status as the number one energy-exporting state while protecting the environment and expanding our economic growth.”