Tracy Rozens, editortrozens at pennbizreport dot com
Tracy Rozens is a veteran business journalist who spent 15 years editing and reporting for Reuters and Dow Jones. With a journalism degree from Ohio University, she has specialized in U.S. public and corporate finance.
Melina Druga, writermdruga at pennbizreport dot com
Melina Druga is a journalist, blogger and business writer. She has more than 16 years of professional experience, having authored more than 1,000 articles across dozens of subjects, including the transportation sector. A graduate of Kent State University, Melina has written several business advice books for entrepreneurs.
Debra Flax, copy editor and writerdflax at pennbizreport dot com
Debra Flax is a Pennsylvania-based journalist with writing, editing, and content development expertise. With a master's degree in Communications from the University of Alabama, Debra has specialized training in online media and news distribution. She has acquired skills in writing and online development from various positions at city newspapers, media outlets, retail companies, and non-profit organizations.
Alex Murtha, writeramurtha at pennbizreport dot com
Alex Murtha has written news articles for Macallan Communications' publications since 2015. A graduate of West Virginia University, he has specialized in coverage of the energy, transportation and homeland security sectors.
Kim Riley, reporterkriley at pennbizreport dot com
Based in the Washington, D.C., metro area where she has access to Capitol Hill lawmakers, lobbyists and other national change-makers, Kim Riley has been reporting, writing and editing for more than 20 years. She also taught communication classes as an adjunct professor at her alma mater, George Mason University, for almost a decade.