A Pipeline Investment Program (PIPE) expansion proposed by Rep. Jonathan Fritz (R-Susquehanna/Wayne) was recently signed into law.
PIPE makes grants available to construct the last few miles of distribution lines to business parks and existing manufacturing and industrial enterprises to create new economic base jobs and provide access to natural gas for residents.
Fritz’s proposal opens existing grants to large residential conversion projects and combined heat and power applications, increases the maximum grant amount from $1 million to $1.5 million, provides for an additional $500,000 grant for tapping projects and directs the Commonwealth Financing Authority to develop guidelines to expedite applications for grants of $75,000 or less.
“The need for family sustaining jobs is crucial, especially in rural parts of Pennsylvania,” Fritz said. “By expanding the PIPE grant program and completing the natural gas distribution lines, more jobs will be created, more money will be pumped back into our economy, and manufacturers, businesses and local residents will have equal access to low cost, clean-burning natural gas.”
The concept Fritz outlined in House Bill 1103 was amended into Senate Bill 712, which served as the Commonwealth’s 2019-20 Fiscal Code measure. The law went into effect on July 1.