In July, Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate remained at 3.4 percent, according to a recently released Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry preliminary employment situation report, the 10th consecutive month at 3.4 percent.
Nationally, July’s unemployment rate was 4.3 percent, .2 percent higher than June.
Pennsylvania recorded its lowest unemployment rate, 3.2 percent, in July 2023. Compared to a year ago, the U.S. unemployment rate was .8 percent higher.
Unemployment data is adjusted seasonally to allow for the most accurate month-to-month comparisons. July 2024’s data is preliminary and subject to revision.
Also in July, the civilian labor force declined 1,000 over the month to 6.6 million. The drop is attributed to resident employment that also declined 1,000 from June.
The civilian labor force is defined as the estimated number of residents working or looking for work.
Nonfarm jobs grew by 105,000, having increases. Six of the 11 industry supersectors grew compared to June. Government was the supersector with the largest gains, 7,700 jobs, while education and health services set a record for the 14th consecutive month.
Compared to last year, eight of the 11 supersectors had gains with the education and health services supersector, adding the most positions, more than 57,100.