Ben Franklin invests $925,000 in four companies

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Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania recently awarded four companies $925,000 in grants.

A portion of funding comes from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s Pennsylvania Small Business Credit Initiative.

Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania has invested in 11 companies. The chapter is one of four statewide. It provides investment capital and business support services to technology startups and established manufacturers to allow the companies to create and retain jobs, accelerate technology-based economic growth, and advance technologies.

Saladax Biomedical, at Ben Franklin TechVentures in Bethlehem, received $200,000. Funding will support the regulatory approval and commercialization of assays for the anti-psychotic drug market.

Ophidion, at Ben Franklin TechVentures in Bethlehem, received $150,000. Funding will support research and development of preclinical studies for gene-silencing short interfering ribonucleic acids and antisense oligonucleotides to the brain to treat Huntington’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases.

Steel Jupiter, at Ben Franklin TechVentures in Bethlehem, received $100,000. Funding will support the manufacturing optimization of Zinnia filter coatings.

Human Active Technology in Forks Township received $25,000. Funding will support upgrading the company’s Enterprise Resource Planning system to improve information flow and reporting. The company also will partner with Enterprise Systems Partners and Lehigh University’s Center for supply chain research.