Legislation to boost advanced manufacturing jobs moves forward in House

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Legislation that would enhance Pennsylvania’s manufacturing industry was approved by the state’s House of Representatives, state Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-Pittsburgh) said.

Robinson’s bill, Senate Bill 497, establishes the Max Manufacturing Initiative Act, and if passed would offer grants and loans to applicants in advanced manufacturing. The act would enable state-related universities across the state to collaborate with engineering firms as a way to enhance research, foster business partnerships, produce high-value products and create jobs.

“Advanced manufacturing is the backbone of Pennsylvania’s economy, driving innovation, sustainability and global competitiveness,” Robinson said. “By embracing cutting-edge technologies and processes, we are not only preserving our rich industrial heritage but also paving the way for a future of economic growth and job creation.”

Robinson’s office said manufacturing in the United States has produced more than $4 trillion in goods annually. Pennsylvania’s manufacturing sector employs more than 564,700 residents, about 10 percent of all the jobs in Pennsylvania.

“Pennsylvania is not just manufacturing products – it’s manufacturing the future,” Robinson said.

The bill had previously passed the Senate with a vote of 46 to 4. It passed through the House on June 4 with a vote of 159-43. The bill now goes to Gov. Josh Shapiro’s desk for signature.