Sen. Toomey releases bicameral trade policy recommendations for 118th Congress

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U.S. Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) joined U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) in releasing bipartisan, bicameral trade policy recommendations focusing on rebuilding a bipartisan, pro-trade consensus for the 118th Congress.

Toomey and Kind have previously worked together to advance free trade policies, including the Bicameral Congressional Trade Authority Act, which reasserts the constitutional responsibility of Congress over tariff policy.

“The economic growth enabled by freer trade is now in peril,” Toomey and Kind wrote in their recommendations. “In 2016, Executive Branch support for trade liberalization plummeted as trade protection surged in political popularity on the left and the right. Both of us were outspoken critics of the trend toward protectionism. We managed trade, which showers benefits on politically favored industries at the expense of all others in the economy […] Rebuilding a bipartisan pro-trade consensus is possible. Still, it will require leadership from Congress.”

The recommendations include aggressively working to conclude comprehensive free trade agreements with U.S. allies; clarifying legal process for withdrawal from free trade agreements; renewing and strengthening trade promotion authority; reining in executive abuse of tariff authorities, and supporting effort to positively reform the World Trade Organization.

“It’s time that Congress steps up to the plate and works together to use the powers granted by our Constitution to collaboratively shape U.S. trade policy,” Kind said. “The U.S. can’t afford to walk away from the global stage and cede leadership in the growing global economy. The 118th Congress should work together on a bipartisan consensus to create trade policies that open new markets for American farmers, workers, and businesses. Doing so will create jobs, raise environmental and labor standards, and reinforce America’s standing in the world.”