PJM Interconnection ready to meet summer power demands

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PJM Interconnection, the country’s largest electric grid operator, said it is prepared to meet summer demand, forecasting summer peak demand for electricity will be approximately 148,000 megawatts.

PJM serves 65 million people in all or parts of 13 states, including Pennsylvania, and the District of Columbia.

“The summer is normally when electricity use is at its highest, and along with our members, we prepare for summer operations throughout the year,” PJM President and CEO Manu Asthana said. “Although the coronavirus pandemic has brought new dynamics for us to consider in our forecasting and operational preparedness, we’re confident that we will be able to meet customer needs.”

The summer forecast does not take into consideration the current decrease in demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The closures of commercial, industrial, and institutional power users in mid-March dropped peak demand by approximately 10 percent. Demand for residential customers increased but did not offset this decrease.

The company said it is unknown how the pandemic will affect air-conditioning usage this year.

The company also said it is prepared for potential scenarios that could cause power loss, such as equipment failure, emergency conditions, or weather.

Last year, the peak demand was more than 151,000 megawatts.

One megawatt can power approximately 800 homes.