Gov. Shapiro signs advanced manufacturing legislation into law

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Gov. Josh Shapiro signed legislation into law last week that will strengthen the advanced manufacturing industry in Pennsylvania.

“This law not only bolsters cooperation between state universities and engineering firms, but will foster robust business partnerships, drive the production of high-value products and create well-paying jobs,” said state Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-37), who introduced Senate Bill 497, now Act 24 of 2024.

Specifically, the law will establish the Max Manufacturing Initiative Act, which offers the Max Manufacturing Initiative Fund and the Max Manufacturing Endeavor Loan Fund, providing grants and loans for specialized equipment, infrastructure, and facilities for advance manufacturing.

“The Max Manufacturing Initiative Act represents a significant investment in advanced manufacturing and our commonwealth,” Robinson said. “It’s the result of extensive collaboration, hard work and bipartisan support. I’m thrilled the governor signed it into law.”

The advanced manufacturing field uses innovative technologies to develop and improve products across various industries.

The manufacturing industry in the United States produces more than $5.8 trillion annually, according to a release from Robinson’s office. The Pennsylvania manufacturing industry reports employment of more than 564,700 residents, representing nearly 10 percent of all jobs in the Commonwealth.