Four space industry leaders recently joined Pittsburgh-based Astrobotic, a lunar logistics company.
“These hires add substantial experience and leadership that will help lead Astrobotic’s next lunar mission to a successful lunar landing,” John Thornton, Astrobotic CEO, said. “Combining these proven leaders with our flight experience gives us more confidence than ever that Astrobotic’s lunar lander program has a bright future.”
Steve Clarke will serve as Landers and Spacecraft vice president. He was deputy associate administrator for Exploration in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate and has 39 years of experience in executive leadership. This experience includes systems engineering, program management, and operations.
In addition, Clarke received NASA’s Exceptional Achievement Medal and the Presidential Rank Award for his leadership contributions across several NASA mission directorates.
Frank Peri will serve as the director of engineering with a focus on Griffin-1, the largest Moon lander since the Apollo program. He was Safety and Mission Assurance Office director at NASA Langley Research Center where he most recently led the institutional safety and mission assurance program where he was tasked with executing complex programs.
Jim Reuter and Michael Gazarik will serve as advisers.
Reuter and Gazarik were both NASA associate administrators for Space Technology Mission Directorate.