The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) recently updated the permitting process.
“Permit modernization is instrumental in establishing an excellent customer service model and providing support to all stakeholders through the permitting process,” DEP Interim Acting Secretary, Jessica Shirley said. “As we continue to implement updates and enhancements, DEP will improve the user experience and the application and review process. At the same time, DEP will continue to protect human health and the environment and ensure compliance with Pennsylvania’s environmental laws and regulations.”
The efforts include:
The department finalized a pilot program that will evaluate new procedures to improve the quality of submissions and the review efficiency of Chapter 102 Individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit applications.
The department created a quarterly Agriculture Permitting Stakeholder Roundtable to collect feedback on permitting processes and engage conservation district managers, farmers, owners, operators, producers, and consultants.
The department is formalizing a pre-application meeting process to better inform potential applicants of the permitting process and the specific permits they need.
The department is conducting with key stakeholders user experience research to provide insights on what customers need and value during the application process in order to understand and improve the applicant’s experience and reduce bottlenecks in review.