Philadelphia International Airport receives $20.4M federal grant

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The U.S. Department of Transportation recently awarded the Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) a $20.4 million Airport Terminal Program grant.

The airport will use funding to upgrade the HVAC and electrical systems.

“We’re thrilled to receive this funding that allows us to advance our modernization efforts at PHL to improve energy efficiency, replace aging infrastructure, and reduce carbon emissions,” Atif Saeed, City of Philadelphia Department of Aviation CEO, said. “We appreciate the efforts of our Congressional delegation for their support of the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Legislation and for making sure that PHL is prioritized as funding is allocated each year.”

Members of Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation in the U.S. Congress and Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle L. Parker issued statements supporting the grant.

“We deeply appreciate this latest example of the Biden-Harris administration and Congress investing in Philadelphia’s infrastructure,” Parker said. “The Bipartisan Infrastructure Act has resulted in tens of millions of dollars coming to Philadelphia in just the last month alone, Federal funds to upgrade our water and sewer systems, to invest in workforce development and jobs training, and now, to upgrade and invest in our Philadelphia International Airport.”

Since the start of 2021, the airport has received $347 million in federal investments.