Top scientists gather in Pittsburgh to discuss mitigating climate change

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Some of the country’s top scientists and engineers will gather in Pittsburgh this month to discuss climate change mitigation research.

The meeting, the 2023 Fossil Energy & Carbon Management (FECM)/National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, will discuss the results from more than 150 research projects sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Presenters from research universities, research organizations, government labs, electric utilities and others will share findings from project covering a range of carbon management initiatives, including sequestration of greenhouse gas in the subsurface, conversion of CO2, and the development of novel materials to capture CO2 from power plants, difficult to decarbonize industries and ambient air.

“NETL is proud to welcome the nation’s top scientists and engineers in the carbon management field to Pittsburgh,” said Acting NETL Director Sean Plasynski, Ph.D. “We look forward to learning about the cutting-edge technologies they are developing to achieve our nation’s climate change goals and save our planet for future generations.”

Four DOE Office of Fossil Energy & Carbon Management (FECM) programs – Point Source Carbon Capture, Carbon Dioxide Removal, Carbon Conversion and Carbon Transport and Storage – will be discussed. Additionally, attendees will participate in a mixture of plenary, multi-topic breakout and interactive poster sessions to share research results and engage in discussion and collaborations.

All of the projects are components researchers say are necessary to achieve President Joe Biden’s goals for a net-zero carbon emissions power sector by 2035, as well as for the broader economy by 2050, while providing opportunities for communities and workers.

The session are open to the public, NETL said.