Youth re-entry programs awarded more than $5M through state grants

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The Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry (L&I) recently awarded nine local workforce development boards (LWDBs) more than $5 million in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act grants.

The programs that prepare youth for employment or post-secondary education with the goal of reducing recidivism. They recruit, re-engage, and assist those between the ages of 18 and 24 who were formerly incarcerated or have interacted with the state’s judicial system.

“Youth re-entry programs not only give young people the tools and meaningful resources needed to gain lifelong skills and a good-paying job, but also help local employers reach an untapped labor pool,” L&I Secretary Nancy A. Walker said. “On behalf of L&I, I want to thank the LWDBs for prioritizing young Pennsylvanians’ success and helping them overcome challenges, strengthen their communities, and ultimately reach their fullest potential.”

The programs will use funding to provide re-entry support services, higher education opportunities, mentorship, in-demand job training, and family-sustaining career pathways.

Grant awardees include the Berks County Workforce Development Board, the Luzerne/Schuylkill Workforce Development Board, and the Southern Alleghenies Workforce Development Board, all of which received $800,000.

Funding is in partnership with Pennsylvania’s juvenile justice system, PA CareerLink offices, community organizations and academic programs.