The American Petroleum Institute (API), an organization representing the natural gas and oil industry, and the Liquid Energy Pipeline Association (LEPA), an organization representing the owners and operators of pipelines delivering liquid energy and related products, recently released a report outlining the pipeline industry’s safety performance.
The 2023-2025 Pipeline Excellence Strategic Plan and 2022 Performance Report found that liquid pipeline safety in the past five years increased across several key performance indicators. This has been attributed to comprehensive safety management systems and robust safety programs.
Over the last five years, total pipeline incidents decreased by 28 percent, according to Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) data, and liquid pipeline incidents impacting the environment or people decreased by 16 percent.
During the same period, operations and maintenance incidents impacting the environment or people dropped 52 percent, according to PHMSA data. The incidents caused by equipment failure dropped 42 percent, and those caused by incorrect operation decreased by 45 percent.
The report also includes the 2023-2025 Pipeline Excellence Strategic Plan. The plan describes industry-wide safety improvement efforts to address cybersecurity threats, advance a safe and sustainable energy future, improve safety through technology and innovation, increase stakeholder awareness and engagement, and promote organizational and workforce excellence.