Met-Ed upgrading electrical grid in York County

© FirstEnergy Corp.

Met-Ed, a subsidiary of FirstEnergy Corp., is in the process of upgrading its electric grid in southern York County.

Work includes converting an existing power line along New Park Road in Fawn Township to a higher voltage, replacing 38 poles, setting 27 new poles, installing more than 100 cross arms and 12 new transformers along with new wire, and installing supervisory control and data acquisition technology.

Upgrades will help prevent service disruptions, especially during severe weather. They are part of Met-Ed’s $153 million Long Term Infrastructure Improvement Plan to accelerate capital investments to the company’s electric grid over five years.

“We are rebuilding a 2.5-mile section of an existing power line to operate at a higher voltage,” Scott Wyman, FirstEnergy’s Pennsylvania operations president, said. “This is an older line that has been repaired many times, and the work includes stringing larger wire, replacing and adding numerous wood utility poles and cross arms, and installing new transformers. The project should help enhance local grid performance, particularly during hot, humid summer weather when our customers in the New Park and Gatchellville areas crank up their air conditioners to stay cool.”

Work is scheduled to complete by the end of the year.

Met-Ed serves approximately 587,000 customers in eastern and southeastern Pennsylvania.