Attorney General Henry launches Career Week

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Attorney General Michelle Henry recently launched the Fourth Annual Career Week, which runs through Friday.

Henry met with more than 400 students from 15 high schools in the School District of Philadelphia, Superintendent Tony B. Watlington, Sr., and private and public sector leaders to discuss the various job duties, requirements, and educational opportunities that students need to enter their desired career field.

During the week, sophomores and juniors from the district’s Career and Technical Education programs will be connected with corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies that correspond with their expressed interests and career goals.

“These conversations empower students to pursue their dreams while providing key contacts to players within their areas of interest,” Henry said. “I especially enjoyed networking with many ambitious young students who will, one day, fill essential positions in public service and give back to their communities.”

The Office of Attorney General launched the Career Week program in 2019 to give Philadelphia area students the experience of real-world job markets and allow them to meet leaders and executives working in many professions. The goal is to expose students to options and show them pathways to success.

Equal access and exposure to career and educational opportunities increase the school-to-work and school-to-college pipelines.