Pennsylvania Reps. Joshua Kail (R-Beaver/Washington) and Eric Nelson (R-Westmoreland) pushed House Speaker Mark Rozzi (D-Berks) to bring the House of Representatives back into session to legislators can work to lower energy prices.
In a press conference on Monday, Kail, the Republican Policy Committee Chair, and Nelson, the Deputy Policy Committee Chair, urged Rozzi to open the House to begin work on energy policies and other legislative work.
“Pennsylvania is an energy-rich state,” said Kail. “But our families, our small businesses, and our economy are struggling because they are paying too much to heat their homes, keep the lights on in their businesses, and fuel their cars to get to work. We need to leverage our skilled workforce and invest in our energy economy so we can lower energy costs and help Pennsylvania families make ends meet. We need to get back to business here in Harrisburg to move these issues forward.”
On Jan. 24, Rozzi gaveled the House out of session until Feb. 27 after the two parties could not reach compromises. The opening will come after three special elections that will decide which party will control the chamber.
Nelson said the chamber should pass legislation that removes the ability of bureaucrats to craft policies that may be detrimental to Pennsylvania residents and small business owners.
“We have the potential to be a driving force to restore our nation’s energy independence and, in doing so, tilt the economic scales in favor of Pennsylvania families. But appointed government bureaucrats have to become part of the solution,” said Nelson. “Instead of executive orders and weaponized policy that targets our coal and natural gas industries, we should partner to pursue responsible growth. When government chooses to work with business – our people win.”