Rep. Aument announces priorities for 2023-2024 legislative session

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On Tuesday, Pennsylvania Rep. Ryan Aument (R-36) announced his priorities for the upcoming legislative session focusing on lowering taxes and increasing energy independence, reliability, and resiliency.

Aument, who is beginning his third term in office, was sworn in Tuesday during a ceremony that also included the formal election of Sen. Kim Ward (R-39) as Senate President Pro Tempore and a vote on rules that will govern the legislature during the two-year session.

“I am looking forward to continuing to champion issues that matter to my constituents and to work collaboratively with my colleagues to pass meaningful reforms that will positively impact the quality of life for all Pennsylvanians,” said Aument.

Aument said he would focus on reducing the tax burden, boosting economic competitiveness, advocating for the acceleration of the corporate net income tax reduction, pursuing energy independence, increasing the reliability and resiliency of the electric grid, and addressing permitting reform.

“Focusing on policies where we agree, working across the aisle, and seeking consensus where we can will be necessary if we want to produce real results for the people of Pennsylvania,” he said.

Aument was elected to serve as the Senate Majority Whip for the legislative session and will act as an assistant floor leader. The Senate returns to voting session on Jan. 9, after which committee announcements will be made.