CNX Resources, tech company agree to use methane emissions for molecule production

© CNX Resources Corporation

CNX Resources Corp. and Newlight Technologies, a nature-based technology company, recently signed a 15-year agreement to capture and utilize methane emissions to produce Aircarbon, a high-performance, carbon-negative PHB biomaterial produced by naturally-occurring microorganisms.

Aircarbon replaces plastic but is carbon-negative and biologically degrades in natural environments.

The companies will capture waste methane from third-party industrial activity.

CNX will gather, process, and deliver the methane through natural gas pipeline infrastructure. Newlight will acquire contractual rights to a portion of the captured methane and will use the gas to produce Aircarbon.

“CNX is a world leader in methane capture and processing, and by partnering with their exceptional team, we will have the opportunity to meaningfully reduce the amount of carbon going into the air and plastic going into the ocean,” Newlight CEO Mark Herrema said. “Our goal is to abate methane emissions at world scale through the application of biological carbon capture, and this agreement takes us another step closer to that goal. We’re thrilled to have a strategic growth partner in CNX that shares our commitment to sustainable solutions and environmentally responsibly outcomes.”

The companies expected several manufacturing facilities will be built in the Appalachian region to support the contact’s goals.