Legislation soon to be introduced in the state Senate would protect against economic and international volatility, stabilize energy costs, and utilize the state’s natural resources.
The PA Energy Independence Act would achieve four objectives:
- Establish an Intrastate Coal/Natural Gas Use provision, stating the state, not by the federal government, has the authority to environmentally regulate coal and natural gas extracted and used in Pennsylvania;
- Suspend Pennsylvania’s entry into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, expedite the permit process, and significantly reform regulations;
- Exempt Pennsylvania plants from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Wastewater Rule and Cross State Air Pollution Rule;
- Provide tax incentives and open new state lands for production to spur natural gas production and investment.
State Sens. Scott Hutchinson (R-Clarion/Forest/Venango) and Doug Mastriano (R-Adams County) introduced the bill.
“With our abundant resources, Pennsylvania should be largely immune to energy cost volatility,” Mastriano said. “Cumbersome taxes, regulations, and restrictions are handicapping the potential of our energy sector. Many companies simply choose to invest in states that are more energy friendly. Market volatility will not go away anytime soon. It’s time to take steps now to assert energy independence.”
In Pennsylvania, natural gas and coal account for more than 60 percent of electricity generation.