Niagara Bottling, a leading beverage manufacturer, plans to open a production facility in Luzerne County.
The 1,190,000-square-foot plant is under construction in the Humboldt Industrial Park in Hazle Township. It is expected to open in the spring and will serve customers throughout Pennsylvania and the northeast United States.
The company is investing more than $157 million. The facility is expected to employ at least 79 people, eventually increasing to more than 200. It also is expected to retain 414 existing positions at three other Pennsylvania facilities.
“Niagara Bottling has established strong business and community relationships in Pennsylvania and looks forward to continued growth and success at this new beverage production facility in Hazle Township,” Brian Hess, Niagara Bottling executive vice president, said. “We’re excited to create more jobs, build new relationships in the community, and make a positive impact in Hazle Township.”
The Department of Community and Economic Development submitted a funding proposal for a $100,000 workforce development grant to help train new workers. The agency encouraged the company to apply for the Pipeline Investment Program, the Multimodal Transportation Fund, the Manufacturing Tax Credit Program, and the Qualified Manufacturing Innovation and Reinvestment Deduction.
Niagara produces a variety of beverages, including bottled water and sports drinks.