Pennsylvania will receive $1.2 billion during the first round of funding from the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Funding will be used to improve roads and bridges statewide.
Pennsylvania’s infrastructure has a grade of C-, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Infrastructure Report Card.
Funding from this bill and the forthcoming Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is expected to create good-paying union jobs.
“I was proud to fight for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which is already beginning to put Pennsylvanians to work at rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges,” U.S. Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA) said. “If you’ve ever driven through the Greater Lehigh Valley, you would know that it’s beyond time for robust infrastructure investments in our community. With this funding, we’ll cut commute times, reduce emissions, and help our manufacturers get products to market and keep travelers safe on the roads. Passing the Bipartisan Infrastructure law and securing federal funding was the first step. Now, it’s time start rebuilding the infrastructure our community deserves.”
The Federal-aid Highway Program will administer the funds, which can be used for construction, reconstruction, or improvement. President Joe Biden signed the bill into law on Nov. 15. Investments will occur over a five-year period.