A group of 20 attorneys general, including Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro, recently sent the federal Postal Regulatory Commission a formal complaint to order the U.S. Postal Service to request an advisory opinion on Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s 10-year plan to transform the Postal Service.
The plan is being enacted without any meaningful oversight and review, Shapiro said, and will impact mail delivery in Pennsylvania and nationwide.
“The plan will transform virtually every aspect of the Postal Service, rework how the Postal Service transports mail and other products; overhaul its processing and logistics network; enact slower service standards for First-Class Mail and Periodicals and First-Class Packages Services; reconfigure the location of places where customers can obtain postal products and services; and adjust rates,” the complaint said. “To date, the Postal Service has only submitted two requests for an advisory opinion to the commission on important but narrow changes that represent only a small portion of the plan’s scope.”
The complaint asserts DeJoy adopted his plan, that will make significant changes to postal services, without first obtaining an advisory opinion from the commission, an independent federal agency tasked with providing transparency and accountability to the Postal Service.
The Postal Service is required by law to go to the commission whenever it makes changes that will affect the entire country.