Alcoa Corp. recently announced a plan to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions companywide by 2050.
The plan applies to direct and indirect emissions and aligns with the company’s sustainably strategy. It also complements targets to reduce direct and indirect GHG emissions from alumina refining by 50 percent by 2030 and aluminum smelting by 30 percent by 2025 based on 2015 baselines.
To achieve its net-zero GHG emissions goals, the company will further reduce the emissions profile of its alumina refining system and its smelting portfolio and will increase the use of renewable energy at its operations.
In addition, Alcoa is developing new technologies for decarbonization on a large scale.
“We’re proud of our commitment to responsible environmental, social, and governance practices, and this new endeavor is an extension of our ongoing efforts to reach a decarbonization pathway,” Roy Harvey, Alcoa president and CEO, said. “We have been recognized for our environmental practices, and we are developing new technologies that will help us progress toward our net-zero ambition by 2050.”
Alcoa’s new technologies include a zero-carbon smelting process and mechanical vapor recompression system to reduce emissions in the alumina refining process. It is being tested in Australia with support from a grant from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency.