Miller Fabrication Solutions, a metal parts and assemblies manufacturer, recently donated four tool cribs valued at an estimated $6,000 to the Anselmo Training Innovation Center at New Century Careers in Pittsburgh.
Tool cribs organize and store the hundreds of consumable parts used on manufacturing floors. The center will use the cribs to store and inventory carbide and high-speed steel cutting tools. These include drills, screws, inserts, end mills and taps, and collets and holders.
“The donation is part of Miller’s commitment to strengthen the resources of regional nonprofits for post-pandemic success,” Michael McDade, Miller’s purchasing manager, said. “The services provided by organizations like New Century Careers are a crucial contributor to the development of the workforce of tomorrow. We’re pleased to be able to offer our support.”
In addition, Miller will be hosting Manufacturing Month events throughout October as part of its dedication to modern manufacturing education. The events will be held virtually and onsite, and are free and open to the public. Registration information can be found on the company’s website.
The Manufacturing Institute sponsors the nationwide Manufacturing Day, which this year is on Oct. 1.
Miller Fabrication Solutions provides products and manufacturing solutions to global equipment manufacturers in a variety of industries.