Professional licensing waivers issued under the COVID-19 pandemic disaster declaration in Pennsylvania will begin to expire starting Aug. 17, according to the Pennsylvania Department of State.
Additionally, all waived and suspended regulations initiated because of the COVID-19 disaster emergency declaration will expire on Sept. 30, 2021, unless terminated sooner, the department said. Licensed professionals and others impacted by the waivers were urged to return to compliance as soon as possible.
“The COVID-19 disaster declaration allowed us to mobilize our licensees to respond to this crisis while protecting the health and safety of all Pennsylvanians,” said Professional and Occupational Affairs Commissioner Kalonji Johnson. “With the end of the disaster declaration, licensees must go back to practicing and learning as they did pre-pandemic.”
Nearly 100 waivers were approved by the administration that temporarily eased regulations in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The waivers allowed such things extending temporary practice permits and expanding scopes of practice for certain health professions, as well as expediting reactivations of retired licensees and granting emergency temporary licenses to out-of-state practitioners who wished to join the pandemic response efforts.
“We know that some of these waivers were vital to licensees during the pandemic and that it would benefit their patients and those they serve if some of them were made permanent,” said Commissioner Johnson. “The department is continuing discussions with the General Assembly about the needs and concerns of our licensees.”
The legislature ended the COVID-19 disaster declaration in June, even though it extended some license waivers. Without a disaster declaration, the governor and Department of State cannot further extend the waivers, the department said. Legislation action is required to extend the waivers past Sept. 30.
The department is notifying all licensing boards, licensees, and stakeholders about the expirations.