The House Commerce Committee recently advanced legislation that would provide relief for specific businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
House Bill 878, known as the Entertainment Venue Industry Recovery Program, would provide grants to entertainment-related businesses such as amusement, gambling, performing arts, spectator sports, and recreation industries.
The program would function similarly to the Hospitality Industry Recovery Program established in Act 1 of 2021. Entertainment venues that applied for relief under the hospitality program would be ineligible to apply for both programs.
“Our neighbors and friends work in these venues, and we as consumers of all ages rely on them for entertainment,” Rep. Jim Struzzi (R-Indiana), who wrote the legislation, said. “It is equally important for the survival of these venues long-term so that young actors, musicians, athletes, and others have the opportunity to showcase and develop their talents locally.
“Potential House Bill 878 grant recipients provide all of us with an essential sense of community and fellowship. More importantly, we’re talking about businesses that put food on the table and disposable income in taxpayers’ wallets. The legislation provides a distribution vehicle for any future funding allocations from the federal government that the Commonwealth would be permitted to use for these purposes.”
The bill now goes before the full House for a vote.