U.S. Rep. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA) recently met with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Secretary Yassmin Gramian and representatives from Gov. Wolf’s office to discuss PennDOT’s P3 Major Bridge Tolling Proposal.
The Pennsylvania Public-Private Partnership (P3) board approved an initiative in November that allows PennDOT to consider bridge tolling and use the P3 delivery model to fund major bridges in need of rehabilitation or replacement.
“While I appreciate PennDOT’s willingness to discuss my concerns over their hap-hazard bridge tolling proposal, I remain concerned about their sprint to toll nine major bridges across the commonwealth, including two in Pennsylvania’s 15th District,” Thompson said. “Despite these concerns, I am pleased that PennDOT’s Secretary has agreed to join me at a hearing in Clarion on April 1st to hear from those who would be most impacted by bridge tolling.”
Federal, state, and local elected officials will attend the hearing, Local Voices: Examining PennDOT’s P3 Major Bridge Tolling Proposals. The list of those participating has yet to be released but will include stakeholders and members of the local community who have concerns about PennDOT’s proposal.
“While PennDOT has a process for public comment, I believe it is imperative that the Secretary hear first-hand the concerns of the local community,” Thompson said.