Legislation recently introduced in the state Senate would stop a proposed plan to toll bridges on Pennsylvania’s interstate system.
The Public-Private Transportation Partnership (P3), under the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation’s (PennDOT) jurisdiction, supported a proposal in November to impose tolls or user fees on major bridges in the interstate system.
Senate Bill 382 would reform the P3 statute and void PennDOT’s Pathways Major Bridge P3 Initiative.
The bill also would create a new 30-day public comment period prior to a P3 Board meeting; require PennDOT to publish a detailed analysis prior to a P3 Board’s voting meeting; mandate PennDOT distributes a copy of the P3 Board’s resolution, with or without a user fee, within 24 hours; and establishes that any P3 project with a user fee is disapproved unless approved by the General Assembly.
After the new process is put in place, the P3 Board can reconsider the Pathways Major Bridge P3 Initiative.
“This high-risk plan to toll nine bridges will counter our economic recovery efforts,” state Sen. Wayne Langerholc, Jr. (R-Bedford/Cambria/Clearfield counties), Senate Transportation Committee chairman, said. “Our answers to fix revenue problems cannot be merely met with tacit approval for another tax, fee, or toll on the backs of Pennsylvania’s hardworking families and residents.”