Legislation recently introduced in the state Senate would ensure the state budget aligns with the economy and what taxpayers can afford.
The Taxpayer Protection Act, Senate Bill 286, creates a constitutional amendment tying the growth of state spending to inflation and population growth. It does not mandate government spending cuts and allows for increased spending during emergencies if a supermajority of the General Assembly approves it.
Because it is a proposed constitutional amendment, the legislation must be passed in two consecutive legislative sessions and then voted on by residents as a ballot referendum. It does not require the governor’s signature.
State Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R-Washington County) introduced the bill.
“For too long, Pennsylvanians have been forced to send their money to Harrisburg to cover irresponsible levels of government spending,” Bartolotta said. “State spending has more than tripled in the last 50 years, leaving economic and family income growth in the dust. The Taxpayer Protection Act would begin to reverse that trend and prevent future tax hikes.
“Pennsylvania families are struggling to meet the financial hardship caused by Coronavirus and the lockdowns. This is about treating their wages with respect. It is time to institute common-sense guiderails around how their tax dollars are spent.”