The COVID-19 Hospitality Industry Recovery Program (CHIRP) recently awarded $145 million in funding assistance to hospitality industry businesses adversely affected by the pandemic.
The districts served by state Reps. Jonathan Fritz (R-Susquehanna/Wayne), Clint Owlett (R-Tioga/Bradford/Potter), and Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Sullivan/Susquehanna) will share more than $2.43 million.
Block grant allocations are based on a county’s population size. Sullivan County received $68,706; Potter County received $187,180; Susquehanna County received $456,770, Tioga County received $459,748; Wayne County received $581,733; and Bradford County received $683,240.
“Our restaurant owners, workers, and everyone in the hospitality industry have been jumping through hoops just trying to keep their doors open and protect their livelihoods while also keeping their patrons safe,” Owlett said. “This assistance is long-overdue and much deserved for these hard-working men and women.”
The Department of Community and Economic Development administers CHIRP and requires counties to establish grant programs for eligible businesses. No later than March 1, county governments must contract with one or more Certified Economic Development Organization (CEDO) or Community Development Financial Institution (CFDI) to award the grants.
The CEDOs and CFDIs will receive applications on a rolling basis starting no later than March 15 and running through June 15 or until funding is exhausted.