State Rep. Emily Kinkead (D- Allegheny County) recently sent a memorandum to all House members seeking co-sponsors for legislation that would increase the number of transfer students who can complete a bachelor’s degree in a timely manner.
The bill would guarantee admission into the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) system with junior standing to community college students who have completed an approved Associate Degree for Transfer program.
In California, a similar program resulted in 48 percent of students earning a bachelor’s degree within two years of transferring. Only 27 percent of students who did a traditional transfer completed their degrees within the same timeframe.
“Too often, the journey from community college to 4-year degree is convoluted and expensive in a way that discourages students from completing school,” Kinkead said in the memo. “Implementing this program would guarantee a clear, affordable pathway for all students and send a strong message: if you work hard, you will be able to earn a degree and graduate without crippling student debt.”
Approximately 30,000 community college students transfer to a four-year university each year, and 85 percent stay in Pennsylvania.
The bill was introduced in a previous session as House Bill 2447.