Wren Manufacturing, a privately-owned British designer, manufacturer, and retailer of custom kitchen cabinets, recently announced it will open its North American headquarters and manufacturing center in Luzerne County.
The facilities will be located in Hanover Industrial Estates in Hanover Township and Sugar Notch Borough. The company leased a 10,046-square-foot office facility and a 252,000-square-foot manufacturing facility and will invest $15.4 million in leasehold improvements and new equipment. The project is expected to create 360 jobs.
Wren Manufacturing enables customization of its products online and through a virtual reality experience at its retail centers. It plans to add retail centers across North America.
“We’re excited to bring our vertically integrated model to the United States, the largest home improvement market in the world,” Rafal Klimek, manufacturing and logistics director for Wren Kitchens, said. “Luzerne County has a tremendous amount of talent in the local area, and its location allows us to reach a huge percentage of the American population within a short drive time.”
The Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) submitted a funding proposal for a $1.25 million Pennsylvania First grant, $720,000 in Job Creation Tax Credits to be distributed upon creation of the new positions, and $392,400 in funding for job training through the WEDnet program.