The House Local Government Committee recently advanced a bill that would remove local restrictions from Pennsylvania farms engaged in agritourism activities.
House Bill 2093 would prohibit local governments from placing restrictions on agricultural land use for certain agritourism activities, which include weddings and musical entertainment, activities that require a limited license, retail food facilities, and limited seasonal events.
Restrictions based on the property setback line, public safety concerns, and size of the structure or parking area still would be permitted.
“I have witnessed too many small farms and orchards across our Commonwealth, including our very own Tabora Farm here in Bucks County, struggling to make ends meet due to an abundance of local ordinances,” Rep. Todd Polinchock (R-Bucks), who introduced the bill, said. “This legislation would reduce the number of local ordinance restrictions being placed on certain farm activities and ensure that our farm families are able to take care of our agriculture and their families as well.
“I am pleased the Local Government Committee has decided to move this legislation forward so our small farms here in Pennsylvania can continue thriving,” Polinchock said.
The bill moves to the full House for consideration.