HOFF Enterprises, a Johnstown-based casework and millwork company, recently announced it will be producing desks for families and schools.
The company is ready to start producing large orders of student desks, according to HOFF Production Manager Matt Shaffer, and will be available in three heights.
The desks will be delivered to school districts and can be used in school or for loan to homeschooling families.
“In times like these, we need everyone in the manufacturing industry to do everything they can to help.” HOFF CEO Kurt Freidhoff said. “Once we learned that school districts were facing a desk shortage, we knew our company had the talent to figure out a way to help. HOFF’s design, production, supply chain, and marketing experts quickly rallied together to create a line of desks and workstations for kids that are affordable, scaleable, and deliverable.”
“We all have kids of our own, and HOFF has always been dedicated to serving our community,” Nick Freidhoff, HOFF director of sales and business management, said. “When you combine those principles, with our experience of building commercial-grade products for decades, it was an easy decision to step up and add desks to our Premier Line.”