The application period for the COVID-19 Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority Restart Grants (PEDA) grants recently opened and will run through Oct. 2.
The $2 million grant program supports clean-energy projects that were interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Eligible projects include the generation of alternative energy or the production of alternative fuels, the implementation of energy-efficiency/demand-side projects, or the development and deployment of innovative, clean, advanced, and efficient technologies.
Businesses with operations related to alternative and clean energy projects are also eligible to apply.
Applicants must demonstrate how funding will mitigate the impact of a project disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Examples include the ability to make immediate equipment payments to restart the supply chain, re-hiring workers or hiring additional workers to complete the project quickly, and recovering lost revenue because of market stagnation.
Applicants can request funds for retroactive costs, working capital or both, and can apply for more than one project. Applicants are required to propose a minimum one-to-one match consisting of all eligible costs.
Individual grants will not exceed $250,000. Applications must be submitted online through the Department of Community and Economic Development’s Electronic Single Application system.
The Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority opened applications on Aug. 17.