Twelve alternative energy projects were approved this week through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) that will provide millions in funding to utilize, develop, and construct alternative energy efforts in eight counties.
“These programs are an essential tool in helping communities transition their schools and workplaces into more energy-efficient operations, helping to save money, reduce their carbon footprint, and support better public health,” Gov. Tom Wolf said. “These projects will have a years-long impact on the commonwealth and will provide access to cleaner, more efficient energy for thousands of Pennsylvanians.”
Eleven of the projects were also approved through the Alternative and Clean Energy Program (ACE), which specifically funds activities promoting alternative energy and energy-efficient projects, as well as infrastructure associated with compressed natural gas and liquified natural gas stations.
The approved ACE projects include:
- NOVO Health Services, LLC, in Clearfield County, was approved for a $43,000 grant for the purchase and installation of a combined heat and power system at its Paris Healthcare Linen Services facility in DuBois.
- Scale Microgrid Solutions LLC, in Montgomery County, was approved for a $464,000 grant for the purchase and installation of a combined heat and power system at Arkema, Inc.’s headquarters in King of Prussia.
- Easton Area Joint Sewer Authority, in Northampton County, was approved for a $1.78 million grant for the construction of a biogas cogeneration system at its wastewater treatment plant in Easton.
- The School District of Philadelphia, in Philadelphia County, was approved for four separate grants, including $2 million to renovate its existing 58,000-square-foot- Rhawnhurst Elementary School, achieving USGBC LEED Gold certification.
- Lehigh Northampton Airport Authority, in Lehigh County, was approved for an $820,958 grant to move its TSA checkpoint to a new location between two existing airport building to create a more efficient passenger flow.
ACE is administered by the Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) and the Department of Environmental Protection, under the direction of the CFA.
More information about the complete list of approved projects can be found on the DCED website.