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U.S. Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA) recently said he will co-sponsor five bills aimed at boosting the nation’s medical supply chain.
“We saw the risks early on in this crisis as state and local officials scoured the globe, often competing with one another, to get the equipment they needed,” Cartwright said. “Now, we’re seeing it again as PPE (personal protective equipment) supplies run low, and it’s unacceptable. These bills will enable American workers to help protect American lives.”
The five bills are:
- The National Centers of Excellence in Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Act, allowing the Food and Drug Administration to partner with universities to further develop and implement continuous manufacturing technology;
- The Prescription for American Drug Independence Act, establishing a committee of experts on drug-supply issues and convening a symposium to recommend strategies for ending U.S. dependence on foreign drug manufacturing;
- The Securing America’s Medicine Cabinet Act, expediting the review of drug manufacturing technology if the drug manufacturer demonstrates that the technology is likely to prevent or resolve a drug shortage;
- The Buy American Medical Supply Chain Act, reducing dependence on foreign sources for critical medical supplies and equipment; and
- The MADE in America Act, incentivize domestic manufacturing of drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients, PPE, and diagnostics.