Gov. Tom Wolf recently signed Senate Bill 1030 into law, expanding the use of alternate on-lot sewage systems for planning purposes.
The PA Sewage Facilities Act, renamed Act 34 of 2020, streamlines the process innovative, effective, and better treatment technologies are used and made available to Pennsylvania residents and businesses.
Alternate systems are being used in other states and are academically tested according to 25 PA Code Section 73.71.
“I’m very happy Governor Wolf signed this bill into law,” state Sen. Gene Yaw (R-Bradford County), the bill’s main sponsor, said. “Allowing for alternate on-lot systems in the planning process would widen the area to which development can take place and save valuable acreage that could otherwise be used for agriculture or other purposes. Undoubtedly, it will improve water quality in streams and rivers by using systems that have a proven performance record, and, in many cases, are superior to some conventional systems.”
The bill was endorsed by PA Septage Management Association, PA Association of Sewage Enforcement Officers, PA Association of Professional Soil Scientists, PA State Association of Township Supervisors, Pennsylvania Society of Land Surveyors, Pennsylvania Association of Realtors, the Pennsylvania Builders Association, and the PA Grange.
The law takes effect in August.