Range Resources, a petroleum and natural gas exploration and production company, recently launched an ambient air monitoring program at its Washington County oil well site.
The company launched the ambient air monitoring program after feedback from residents near the Augustine well site in Cecil Township. Third-party consultants placed six monitors around the well site, and data will be sent to a lab for analysis.
Last year, the company released a report highlighting ambient air monitoring at a well site near Fort Cherry’s school campus. The report monitored air quality through a full development cycle from pad construction to more than a year of natural gas and natural gas liquids production. After evaluating the data, the company concluded that the well did not pose any health risks.
“We take great pride in the progress we continue to make toward our sustainability goals, pioneering innovations that have helped shape new standards for shale development and becoming the first company to voluntarily disclose our fracturing fluid, and to achieve 100 percent reuse levels through our water recycling program, among many other industry-leading best practices that we continuously enhance,” Range Resources said.
The company has been drilling in the county since 2004 and operates approximately 833.000 acres of Marcellus shale in southwestern Pennsylvania.