Proposed legislation would make it mandatory for companies to provide daily reports on the impact of COVID-19 on their workforces to gather data from the state’s industrial sector.
The COVID-19 Industrial Business Data Reporting Act would require an industrial business to report to the Pennsylvania Department of Health the number of employees at the business, the number of employees who have been tested for COVID-19, the test results, the number of employees who have recovered, and the number of employees who have died.
The health department would be required to publish online for each business the percentage of employees who have tested positive and negative, the percentage of employees who have pending COVID-19 test results, and the percentage of employees who have died.
“My proposal would not only bring increased transparency in the reporting of this global pandemic, but it would also provide much-needed information for the employees who continue to toil every day in our industrial plants and warehouses to produce and ship essential goods for Commonwealth residents,” Rep. Tarah Toohil (R-Luzerne) said.
Last month, Toohil said she wanted stricter reporting standards after an outbreak in Hazleton made Luzerne County fifth in cases statewide.
Toohil is seeking co-sponsors.