The Senate Community, Economic and Recreational Development Committee approved Monday two pieces of legislation that grant waivers allowing all manufacturers, barbers, real estate operations and other industries to operate in Pennsylvania under Gov. Tom Wolf’s COVID-19 emergency declaration.
“The safe operation of big box stores across the commonwealth demonstrates that other industries can safely resume operations,” said Sen. Tom Killion (R-Chester and Delaware Counties), chairman of the Senate committee. “The waivers granted in these bills rectify the arbitrariness of the governor’s decisions to shutter businesses and removes the veil of secrecy under which the Department of Community and Economic Development granted waivers.”
House Bill 2388, sponsored by Rep. Natalie Mihalek (R-Allegheny), provides a waiver for automobile dealers to operate, while House Bill 2412, sponsored by Rep. Todd Polinchock (R-Bucks), provides a waiver for all real estate services. Amendments adopted to the legislation by the committee would also provide waivers for manufacturers, barbers, hairstylists, animal groomers, lawn and garden centers, messenger and agent services, and legal services.
“These industries have the ability to operate safely and it’s important they be given the opportunity to do so,” Killion said. “COVID-19 is much more than a public health emergency. It is an economic disaster of almost incomprehensible proportions. The longer we delay the safe reopening of our economy, the more difficult it will be for Pennsylvanians to get back on their feet.”
The bills have received strong bipartisan support in the General Assembly as well as support from industry advocacy groups across the Commonwealth.
“Manufacturing is the engine that drives Pennsylvania’s economy and we will need all of that positive force to launch the recovery,” said David N. Taylor, president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association. “Senator Killion’s effort to safely bring all manufacturing online is a critical first step towards preventing a new Depression that would impoverish millions of Pennsylvanians and destroy the tax base. Many manufacturing operations that were ordered closed in Pennsylvania remained open in competitor states, so this responsible restart is urgently needed to protect our competitive position.”