The Pennsylvania Association of Realtors (PAR) recently expressed their disagreement with Gov. Tom Wolf’s May 1 announcement that a ban remains on in-person real estate transactions in the majority of the state because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Real estate is a life-sustaining business, despite what state officials have declared,” PAR President William Festa said. “Professionals are safely assisting clients to buy and sell property in most other states, however, this limited reopening will continue to restrict Pennsylvanians’ ability to purchase shelter where they want to live. For some consumers, they may be able to purchase or sell their home in one county, but be restricted in a bordering county. This approach simply doesn’t make sense.”
Wolf’s decision prohibits Pennsylvanians from obtaining shelter, Festa said, causing financial hardships and housing uncertainty. PAR has countless stories from consumers statewide that are affected, he said.
Two bipartisan bills have been in the state House and Senate that would allow real estate services to reopen using safety measures. The House bill is under consideration in the Senate while the Senate bill is still being debated in that chamber.
Wolf vetoed a previous bill that would have reclassified real estate services as life-sustaining, following revised federal guidelines.
Neighboring states have adopted safe procedures, allowing real estate services are being conducted safely.
“The Pennsylvania Association of Realtors is not advocating for ‘business as usual.’ The association is developing procedures outlining how our 35,000 members could safely conduct business to protect consumers, their clients, as well as themselves,” Festa said. “We urge the governor to reconsider prohibiting Pennsylvanians from obtaining shelter.”