House Democrats have developed a bill package called PA is Helping Employers And Labor Succeed (PA HEALS) to address the financial strain placed on Pennsylvanians as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The package includes five bills.
Legislation introduced by Rep. Joe Ciresi (D-Montgomery County) would take $100 million from the state’s Rainy Day Fund to provide businesses shut out of the COVID-19 Working Capital Access Loan Program with no interest loans.
Legislation introduced by Reps. Pete Schweyer (D-Lehigh County) and Rep. Mike Schlossberg (D-Lehigh County) would use a portion of the Rainy Day Fund to support nonprofit and community organizations providing critical services.
Legislation introduced by Rep. Tim Briggs (D-Upper Merion Township) would make biotech businesses eligible for the COVID-19 Working Capital Access Loan Program.
Legislation introduced by Rep. Melissa Shusterman (D-Chester County and Montgomery counties) would create a new microloan program for loans up to $15,000 for the smallest businesses. Loans would be no interest and have no payments required for the first year. The bill also would create a grant program to match the loans with working capital.
Legislation introduced by Reps. Joe Ciresi (D-Montgomery County) and Pam Snyder (D-Fayette and Greene counties) would create a grant program reserved for businesses with 30 or fewer employees and earning less than $3 million a year.