Legislation is in the works in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives that would strengthen national security and boost employment by expanding U.S. manufacturing, according to bill author Rep. Frank Burns (D-Cambria).
Burns will introduce his “American Made” bill in the next few months. Its goal is to create thousands of jobs by bringing vital industries back to the United States. The bill uses the steel industry as a template.
Under the planned bill, American-made steel would be required in the construction and repair of all underground pipelines; require any construction/repair projects done by a private company that receives taxpayer funding use American-made steel; and provide a 1 percent bid discount on bids for public projects when American-made products are used in the price quote.
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed longstanding vulnerabilities in the global supply chain, Burns said, and it is time for the United States to move away from its reliance on China and other countries for products.
“We’re relying on old ladies stitching together face masks at home, and it’s all because we let our manufacturing base go,” Burns said. “We let the corporations ship jobs overseas in the name of greater profit, putting us at the mercy of China and other countries. I want to lead the way to reverse that trend, starting with steel.”