The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) recently opened the public comment period concerning proposed updates to its Statewide Public Participation Plan.
The Statewide Public Participation Plan is required as part of the Code of Federal Regulations. It outlines opportunities for public participation in statewide transportation planning and programming.
Included in the plan is an explanation of how the public can get involved in statewide transportation planning and programming processes and how public feedback is used to develop the Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan, the Twelve Year Program, the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, and the Statewide Public Participation Plan.
The plan is available at PennDOT district offices, Metropolitan and Rural Planning Organization offices, and at stakeholder locations throughout the state. An electronic copy is available on PennDOT’s website.
PennDOT requests the public review the plan in its entirety and comment. PennDOT will review and evaluate all comments received.
During the evaluation process, PennDOT will determine what changes will be made to the plan.
Comments close on March 11. All comments and questions received will become a part of the update process documentation.
Pennsylvanians with questions about the comment period or the plan, or who require special assistance to participate, should contact the PennDOT Bureau of Equal Opportunity.