CASTUS CEO Damon Claus was one of 18 business leaders recently named to serve a 4-year term on the Western Pennsylvania District Export Council (WPDEC).
Pittsburgh-based CASTUS is a consulting firm specializing in business development.
WPDEC members volunteer their expertise to companies in their communities to establish or increase export sales. Induction happens biennially, and there are 1,500 active members nationwide.
Damon will offer guidance to local businesses on export development, provide insight on international operations, and serve as the liaison between the business community and the U.S. Commercial Service.
“These new members are part of a select corps of trade experts dedicated to providing international trade leadership and guidance to the local business community and assistance to our local U.S. Commercial Service office on export business development issues for PA companies,” Gary Carver, WPDEC chairman, said. “These individuals have been appointed based on their international trade leadership, expertise, and ability to influence the local environment for exporting,”
A sitting U.S. Secretary of Commerce appoints local District Export Councils members. The councils are groups of business leaders and are closely affiliated with the U.S. Commercial Service, the U.S. Department of Commerce, and International Trade Administration.
The Pittsburgh office of U.S. Commercial Service needed to nominate Damon before he could be named to the WPDEC.