Rep. Barb Gleim (R-Cumberland) recently announced that Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding appointed her to a three-year term on the State Commission on Agricultural Education Excellence.
“As a freshman member, it is a true honor to have been selected by Secretary Redding to serve on the Pennsylvania State Commission on Agricultural Excellence,” Gleim said. “Agriculture is part of my life. Our family home is a working cattle farm, and I am excited to bring my passion and experience in farming, education, and workforce to help foster our next generation of farmers.”
Pennsylvania’s $135 billion agriculture industry is facing an aging workforce, and attrition, increasing demand for certain products, and technological advancements may lead to a workforce shortage in numerous career paths over the next decade, according to a press release from Gleim. The state Department of Agriculture has identified the 25 most in-demand occupations, which include sectors such as production agriculture, food manufacturing, forestry, animal health and veterinary services, and conservation and natural resources.
“The 15-member Commission for Agricultural Education Excellence that I am now a part of will operate under the concurrent authority of the state departments of Agriculture and Education,” Gleim said. “It will assist in the development of a statewide plan for agricultural education and coordinating the implementation of related programming to ensure the newest ideas and energy continue to move this important industry forward.”
Gleim also serves on the Education, Labor and Industry, House Human Services, Game and Fisheries, and Children and Youth committees and is a member of the Harrisburg Regional Chamber’s Education Subcommittee.