FirstEnergy Corp. announced on Tuesday an agreement for the transfer of Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station Unit 2 (TMI-2) in Middletown, Pa., to an EnergySolutions, Inc. subsidiary in Charlotte, N.C.
Under the agreement, Metropolitan Edison Company, Jersey Central Power & Light Company, and Pennsylvania Electric Company, all wholly-owned subsidiaries of FirstEnergy Corp., agree to transfer the plant, property, nuclear decommissioning trust fund, plant licenses and responsibility for decommissioning of TMI-2 to TMI-2 Solutions, LLC.
The transfer is subject to required state and federal regulatory approvals. If approved, the transaction is expected to close in the second half of 2020.
“Transfer of TMI-2 removes any future nuclear decommissioning obligations from FirstEnergy and is consistent with our strategy of focusing on regulated utility operations,” Greg Halnon, president and chief nuclear officer of GPU Nuclear, said. “EnergySolutions will complete the final remediation to transition TMI-2 from a safe and stable storage condition to a fully decommissioned facility.”